Prairie Wind Native Plants
I started Prairie Wind Native Plants because of the beauty in native plants that grow in North/Eastern Illinois. I have grown Illinois natives for over 20 years at my home. I became seriously interested in learning and growing natives after attending a program with an incredible group called WildOnes Dupage Chapter ( I would recommend joining this group, you will learn about native plants and meet many new knowledgeable friends.
Unfortunately, so much of our native flowers, grasses and trees that have covered the landscape, have been lost due to urban development and farming. When I look around my neighborhood and see only grass and concrete, with not a single flower in site, I wonder how can we get nature back? Native plants provide nectar, food and habitat for insects and animals to live on that cultivars from big box stores don’t provide.
By growing native plants in our yards, we can provide a small oasis for insects and birds to thrive and we can enjoy the beauty that they bring.

Prairie planted at the Glenside Public Library in Glendale Heights.
We are very interested in helping schools, libraries and parks that would like to plant and maintain native gardens. We have helped by planting and donating plants to several community projects. This is a garden we planted with Immigration Solidarity ( at the Glenside Public Library in Glendale Heights.
St. Andrew’s Church
We are working on a Butterfly garden at St. Andrews Church in West Chicago.

We planned and helped organize a Pollinator Rain garden in Woodridge, with the help of the Rotary Club and the Woodridge Park District.
We are located in Central Dupage County and sell our plants by appointment only.
Please call: 630-220-3625 or for appointment and pickup address.
We are a licensed Illinois nursery grower and dealer.
Bruce Blake – Owner